Metaspore is a nomadic research initiative founded by artist Anicka Yi to foster interdisciplinary “spores” of collective action amidst 21st-century paradigm shifts. Embracing Yi's art as a guiding philosophy, Metaspore sculpts regenerative spaces, multi-sensorial experiences, visionary conversations, and art-science partnerships while rejecting predetermined outcomes and fixed identities. Metaspore centers the artistic process as an essential form of R&D, linking it with scientific and technological fields to cultivate a vibrant ecosystem of creativity and care. Through Metaspore, Yi advocates for decentralized change in the social processes of science and emerging technologies, aiming to expand the range of people who can cause change and increase the diversity of ideas pursued.

Upcoming: Metaspore Symposium 2023

Metaspore Symposium 2023:
The Networked Sensorium

Vist the Metaspore YOUTUBE CHANNEL to view the entire symposium playlist.

In order to foster urgent dialogue between the arts and sciences, in collaboration with Stanford University, Metaspore will be hosting a full day of visionary conversations, embodied performances, and community activities. Through this event we aim to move beyond mere knowledge production, choosing instead to be fully present together, invite meaningful connections, and shift away from conventional thinking towards radical breakthroughs.

This inaugural Metaspore Symposium will mark the culmination of Yi's year-long residency through Stanford Arts, where she explored Metaspore’s research areas along with a group of student fellows in her spring course, Metaspore: The Networked Sensorium.Co-taught with Stanford arts faculty Miguel Novelo, the course explored strategies for addressing significant planetary changes by strengthening our connection to our senses and questioning our previous conditioning, which prioritized knowledge over our well-being. We sought to understand the sensory worlds of both human and multispecies “others” by breaking out of our disciplinary silos of expertise towards a more holistic awareness of planetary becoming.


Morning Refreshments
Opening & Introduction
Panel 1: Permaculture
Performance 1
Afternoon Centering
Panel 2: Somatics
Performance 2
Evening Centering
Panel 3: Memory
Closing Remarks


Research Areas

Research Areas

Research Areas

Research Areas

Research Areas

Research Areas

Research Areas



How do our technologies connect with or abstract from the biological? Expanding beyond a Western monocultural perspective, technologies can be expressive of different worldviews, a concept philosopher Yuk Hui has termed “technodiversity.” We seek multiplicities, overlaps, and symbiotic connections between biodiversities and technodiversities.


Sensory Ecologies

How is the full human sensorium poised to be incorporated or denied by our immersive technologies and what might the political consequences of this transformation be? Beyond the human, how can we better understand and communicate the experiences of organisms with vastly different sensoria from our own?

Regenerative Time

Regenerative Time

In our accelerated age of late capitalist hyper-productivity, how can we use time as a strategy for regeneration? Amidst an ongoing state of “permacrisis,” the urgency for regeneration applies not only to our psyches and bodies, but to our companion species, our ecosystems, and our planet as a whole.

Another Science

Another Science

While making strides in terms of discovery, Western scientific practices have facilitated alienation from the living world, exploitation of the environment, and the dehumanization of non-Western and subaltern peoples. Can we mend these ruptures and revive vital worldviews and forms of knowledge-making that have been suppressed by Western scientific positivism?

Network Weaving

Network Weaving

How can we seize upon emerging networks of decentralized commerce, communication, and organization to build new communities? Resisting binary extremes of overhype and anxiety over decentralized technologies such as cryptocurrencies, DAOs, web3, etc., can we steer these technologies towards true global support systems and connection rather than financialized information exchange?

More Than Human

More Than Human

Discoveries made in the fields of microbiome research, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science are beginning to erode foundational concepts of Western liberalism, such autonomy and human exceptionalism. We convene scientists who interrogate these assumptions with the political thinkers and artists who are challenging the structures and norms derived from them.

Research Areas

How do our technologies connect with or abstract from the biological? Expanding beyond a Western monocultural perspective, technologies can be expressive of different worldviews, a concept philosopher Yuk Hui has termed “technodiversity.” We seek multiplicities, overlaps, and symbiotic connections between biodiversities and technodiversities.

How is the full human sensorium poised to be incorporated or denied by our immersive technologies and what might the political consequences of this transformation be? Beyond the human, how can we better understand and communicate the experiences of organisms with vastly different sensoria from our own?

In our accelerated age of late capitalist hyper-productivity, how can we use time as a strategy for regeneration? Amidst an ongoing state of “permacrisis,” the urgency for regeneration applies not only to our psyches and bodies, but to our companion species, our ecosystems, and our planet as a whole.

While making strides in terms of discovery, Western scientific practices have facilitated alienation from the living world, exploitation of the environment, and the dehumanization of non-Western and subaltern peoples. Can we mend these ruptures and revive vital worldviews and forms of knowledge-making that have been suppressed by Western scientific positivism?

How can we seize upon emerging networks of decentralized commerce, communication, and organization to build new communities? Resisting binary extremes of overhype and anxiety over decentralized technologies such as cryptocurrencies, DAOs, web3, etc., can we steer these technologies towards true global support systems and connection rather than financialized information exchange?

Discoveries made in the fields of microbiome research, artificial intelligence, and cognitive science are beginning to erode foundational concepts of Western liberalism, such autonomy and human exceptionalism. We convene scientists who interrogate these assumptions with the political thinkers and artists who are challenging the structures and norms derived from them.